StackBlitz September 2021 Update

Welcome to the September 2021 update for StackBlitz! There are a lot of great upgrades & fixes in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • New frameworks supported
  • Database support in WebContainer
  • DX & compatibility improvements/fixes

Want to try new features as soon as possible? Come join our Discord community and try the latest updates as soon as they are available.

Now, without further ado:

Updates to StackBlitz platform in August and September of 2021

New frameworks and tooling support

DX & compatibility improvements and fixes

Expanded configuration in .stackblitzrc

  • Added the env property to the .stackblitzrc config file to allow defining environment variables
  • Added opt-in support for the dynamic imports in CJS by setting ENABLE_CJS_IMPORTS environment variable to true

Editor upgrades

  • Added zenmode=1 query param support for starting with minimalistic UI in embeds
  • Added dedicated icons for the .mdx, .astro, .sql, and .sqlite files
  • Added the Monaco grammar and emmet support for Astro file format
  • Upgraded Prettier to from 1 to 2.4
  • Enabled Prettier for more file types, including HTML, Markdown, JSON and Vue
  • Improved title handling for GitHub importer to better describe imported projects

Shell improvements

Platform upgrades & bug fixes

  • Improved platform JavaScript performance and reduced bundle size by 6% by compiling for modern browsers only
  • Fixed issues with forking webcontainer-based projects
  • Fixed TypeScript language service failing to find files with special characters (e.g. src/app/[id].ts)
  • Fixed an issue with Turbo not updating package.json correctly
  • Fixed binary files inference, and added debounce to their upload
  • Auto-open preview for URLs for port of lower number than the current one. This fixes an issue when e.g. a preview was being displayed for a HMR port instead for an actual app.
  • Lots of improvements to our documentation – including the Getting Started section
  • Reduced size of Turbo installations

Thank you!

Last but not least, a huge thank you to all of our community members and StackBlitz core team members who made this month’s release possible! ❤️

We have some big announcements coming out over the next few months so stay tuned for the latest on our Twitter @stackblitz and our Discord community. See you there!

Tomek Sułkowski
Founding Engineer & DevRel at StackBlitz. Let's talk about docs, live examples, teaching, and experimenting in browsers!
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